
The Impact of Aging
They’re one of the most active and engaged constituencies, but politics and policies impacting seniors, like Medicare, Medicaid and home health care, receive scant media attention. Telling these stories with care, nuance and humanization allows for a full picture of the multilayered experience of aging in America.
In This Collection
Only 1 in 4 nursing homes are confident they can survive a year
Mounting costs from the pandemic have made a system's shortcomings untenable, leaving residents, workers and families in a precarious position.
With COVID vaccinations, CDC finds older women are being left behind
A new analysis showed that older women, who face significant barriers to access, were less likely than older men to have gotten at least one COVID-19 vaccine.
A first-of-its-kind investment in home care is in the works. But will it be enough?
The American Jobs plan would allocate $400 billion to assist in home health care, a historic investment, but one expert says it may not be enough.
As COVID vaccine eligibility opens up, older women struggle to get a shot
Lack of internet and limited outreach means about a quarter of adults 65 and older still aren't vaccinated. Early evidence suggests women are more vulnerable.
Older women lag older men in COVID vaccination rates, new polling says
The Kaiser Family Foundation data on the disparity in adults 65 and older comes a day after Biden said 90 percent of adults would be eligible for a vaccine in just a few weeks.
Most nursing homes say they won’t be able to stay open another year due to pandemic costs
Increased staffing, personal protective equipment and testing contributed to the mounting financial crisis that could jeopardize the care of thousands of older Americans, many of whom are women.
Pandemic restrictions may impact the nursing home vote
Women account for more than two-thirds of the nursing home population, which faces challenges to voting due to various changes prompted by the pandemic.
How the pandemic is affecting senior women
Older women tend to live longer and live alone. For some, a pandemic that encourages sheltering in place leaves them feeling “entrapped” and “like a hermit.”
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