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Articles by

Orion Rummler

LGBTQ+ Reporter (He/Him)

I’m Orion Rummler, LGBTQ+ reporter for The 19th based in Washington, D.C. My reporting ranges from health policy explainers and court deep dives to statehouse breaking news and features on LGBTQ+ daily life. My priority is to inform our readers about how U.S. politics are shaping the future for LGBTQ+ Americans, and how LGBTQ+ people are shaping the future for all of us. 

My reporting has won an Excellence in Journalism Award from the Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists and has been twice nominated for GLAAD’s Outstanding Online Journalism Award. For our newsroom’s four-part series that won a national Edward R. Murrow Award, I wrote a story on what it’s like to be a pregnant transgender man in America. 

My work has appeared in CBS News, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” PBS NewsHour, the Huffington Post, USA Today, and Teen Vogue, among other outlets. I have reported from the White House, the State Department, the Education Department, outside the Supreme Court, inside Capitol Hill, and at home with my cats.

My work is free to consume and free to republish because of contributions from readers like you. A donation of $19 goes a long way toward sustaining our nonprofit newsroom.

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