Monthly child tax credit payments have ended. The future of the program now hangs in the balance
This month will be the first time since July that parents won’t be able to rely on the child tax credit. Parents will have to claim the remainder of the credit in their taxes, a challenge that is likely to hit the most vulnerable families, as Congress debates the policy’s future.
'It shouldn’t be this hard': Trans people face new paperwork hurdle in COVID-19 vaccination cards
Trans and nonbinary people told The 19th that the documentation process made them feel like they weren’t considered in the process.
Build Back Better isn’t dead, but talks have moved behind the scenes
The starting point is a package with previously proposed climate provisions, and subsidized child care and universal pre-K that would be funded for a longer period of time.
Lawsuits, complaints and protests are upending sexist school dress codes
Students and activists, many of them in the South, are challenging rigid dress codes that often target girls, students of color and LGBTQ+ youth.
Maggy Krell, who took down, talks about human trafficking
In her new book, the former prosecutor describes what modern-day human trafficking looks like, who it impacts and how law enforcement should respond.
Do term limits help women candidates? New York could be a new testing ground
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced her support last week for term limits for statewide offices, including her job. Some political organizers and academic experts see a potential ripple effect.
In 2022, a revived legal fight over the ERA takes shape
Equity-focused groups on Monday added their formal support to a lawsuit that essentially argues the ERA’s protections against gender discrimination are already a part of the U.S. Constitution.
Anti-trans bills hurt mental health for two-thirds of LGBTQ+ youth in 2021
Many LGBTQ+ youth reported high stress, anger, and sadness last year while also struggling to access basic needs, a new poll by Morning Consult and the Trevor Project found.
A trans woman's death in solitary confinement sparked a push for reform. The new NYC mayor could derail it.
New York Mayor Eric Adams vows to keep solitary confinement despite calls for reform after trans woman Layleen Polanco's death.
Three more staff members to join The 19th this month
A development and revenue associate, a climate and sustainability reporter, and a new chief financial officer will join the 19th roster in the coming weeks