Commit your legacy to independent, nonprofit journalism
The 19th is an independent nonprofit newsroom reporting at the intersection of gender, politics and policy. Our mission is to empower women and LGBTQ+ people with the information, resources and community they need to be equal participants in our democracy.
In 2020, we set out to reimagine politics and policy journalism through the lens of those traditionally left at the margins of mainstream news. Over the long term, The 19th will continue to build a diverse and inclusive news organization that aims to reflect the lived experiences of our readers and level the playing field for women and queer people in media. The 19th is working to serve our audience with news products that maximize our reach while meeting our core readers’ interests and needs. That begins with listening to our audience — and making community engagement a cornerstone of everything we do.
A legacy gift to The 19th ensures that this crucial work will continue in the years to come. Naming The 19th for a gift through your estate — by bequest in your will, trust or by beneficiary designation — is a way to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy.
What will your legacy be?
There are a number of ways to support The 19th through planned giving. Bequests through a will or trust are common ways of creating a permanent legacy. There are flexible ways you can include The 19th and still provide for your loved ones by naming The 19th a beneficiary of a specific amount or percentage of your estate.
Other methods of support include naming The 19th as a beneficiary of a certificate of deposit, bank or brokerage account, qualified retirement plan, life insurance policy, or through a donor advised fund, to name a few. As with all gift planning, we recommend you seek advice from your tax advisor and/or attorney to determine what strategy is best for your situation. Consulting estate-planning professionals will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.
Through your gift, you can help ensure that your values live on through The 19th News.
For wills and trusts
“I give and bequeath to The 19th News, Tax ID #84-2627202, the sum of $ (or % of my estate, or % of the rest and remainder of my estate).”
For beneficiary designations
The 19th News
Tax ID #84-2627202
Contact us
To notify us of a legacy gift you have planned, to discuss your interest, or if you have any questions about planned giving to The 19th, please email Jenny Ajluni at [email protected].