On This Topic
Black History Month: Our art is our power in the evolving American story
This Black History Month, The 19th's coverage will explore the ways that African-American arts show up in Black culture.
Mending ‘crowns’: How a Dallas hair stylist is fostering hope for Black women with alopecia
Half of Black women will experience hair loss during their lives. Bridget Alem is breaking the stigma and closing gaps to care through education and empathy.
From my grandma’s hands: What collard greens taught me about her extraordinary life
The 19th’s creative director, Clarice Bajkowski, shares the importance of passing down Black culinary traditions, offering a glimpse into preserving her grandmother’s wealth of cultural knowledge.
'Art is all around us': What this Black History Month means to The 19th staff
The theme of this year's celebration, "African Americans and the Arts," evokes memories of our families, our childhoods and the contributions Black people have made to American culture.
Women and people of color bear the brunt of medical misdiagnosis
Women and people of color are more likely than White men to experience a misdiagnosis, which can lead to deadly outcomes.
How many of your state’s lawmakers are women? If you live in the Southeast, it could be just 1 in 5
A record number of women were elected to statehouses last year. But in the Southeast, representation is lagging as lawmakers pass bills like near-total abortion bans.
School program reduces trauma in Latina and Black girls but faces implementation hurdles
Working on Womanhood is an evidence-based mental health support for often-overlooked student groups. But challenges to scaling it and programs like it are numerous.
As maternal care in Wyoming dwindles, tribal clinics are building up resources for support
Obstetric services have shrunk elsewhere in Wyoming's Fremont County. Tribal patients have greater options. -
A year of inspiration and motivation: Historic firsts for women of color in politics
Experts point to signs of a shift in politics this year, crediting increased representation for the spurt of women of color winning mayoral elections.
Cheri Beasley on the promise, the work and the peril of campaigning as a Black woman
Beasley lost her Senate bid for an open seat in North Carolina, but her 2022 campaign holds lessons for Black women in politics ahead of 2024.