On This Topic
The 19th Explains: Colleges are dropping the SAT in admissions. That’s a good thing for most girls.
Evidence of a gender gap has existed for decades. Now, an increasing number of schools are making the SAT optional for admission.
Texas schools must now teach students how to spot abuse — if their parents allow
A teenager’s family missed the warning signs of abuse before she was killed. Texas schools hope to prevent similar tragedies.
She says her school kicked her out for being trans. She wants the rules to change.
Kalie Hargrove has a Title IX complaint against Lincoln Christian University — plus joined a class-action suit challenging a loophole that lets religious schools be exempted from rules that ban discrimination.
More states want to restrict how LGBTQ+ people, issues are discussed in schools
At least seven state legislatures are discussing whether to regulate how textbooks, teachers and school curriculums talk about gender and sexualities.
More Black women are leading U.S. law schools and changing the conversation on race and gender
A rising cohort of new leaders want to help their institutions better understand the country’s history and how it inextricably shapes the law today.
Principals are expected to be the 'rock' of schools, but they're stressed out
Women principals — along with principals of color, principals of high-poverty schools and principals of schools with high numbers of students of color — were particularly likely to experience “constant job-related stress,” a study found.
‘We feel like we lost two years of education’: School closings are more complicated for parents of children with disabilities
Parents of children with disabilities say remote learning is ineffective at best, but in-person schooling carries deadly risk.
Women face a ‘concrete ceiling’ for top jobs at elite universities, study shows
Women make up the majority of students on college campuses but remain underrepresented as university presidents.
The problem with how children in the U.S. are learning about climate change
Katie Worth's new book, ‘Miseducation,’ says climate change deniers and the fossil fuel industry seek to influence what students learn about global warming.
Girls emerge as leaders of student walkouts over COVID concerns
Girls’ activism has become more visible in recent years — and also tends to come with specific types of harassment and dismissal.